Wednesday, March 3, 2010



The olive was considered the most noble plant of the whole Greece. It grows up near the Mediterranean seashore. It has the ability to resist the drought and the fire. His wood is so strong that the Ancient Greeks used to use it to make statues for the Gods. We not only used marble like many people think, you know. Also, science already proved that the olive wood is stronger than iron. And this is kind of cool.

The fruits of this plant are still used to make olive oil. It was us, the Greeks, who invented the olive oil, but not the Portuguese people or the Romans as many people think, which is kind of crazy.

The olive plant was so important and good for the health that the Ancient Greeks athletes from the city of Olympia and also the Attic gladiators used to use its oil to strengthen their body muscles and also to stablish contact with the Gods. In the other hand, the other ones used to use it like a very useful fuel to light up their homes, the streets of the cities, the temples, and the gods statues.

By Kostas Katsouranis c 2010


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  1. Hi Kostas,

    Just a quick comment to say thank you so much for the useful information. I really enjoy your writing. Your thought was really appreciated.

    Best wishes


  2. Hi!
    Just want to say thanks for the great time I spent with you. I LOVE your blog.
    See you soon

  3. Meu Deus do céu! Os Gregos são muito inteligentes! Eu nunca pude imaginar que a Oliveira era um símbolo tão importante para a Grécia, meu. E nunca pude imaginar que foram os Gregos que inventaram o Azeite de Oliva! Tipo assim cara, fala sério, os Gregos mandam MUITO bem.

  4. Hey you!
    Just wanted to say you're pretty damn good for doing this blog. I kind of like it.

  5. Dude, I mean it. This guys is the SHIT! He really deserves everything he gets. He has worked so hard.

  6. I think this blog is gunna be a great success.

  7. This blog is FANTASTIC! I feel like rejuvenated from a break.

  8. this is freaking weeeiiirrrd

  9. i kind of like it!